Art & Entertainment

We Bet You Never Knew These Interesting Facts About “Forrest Gump”

The Prosthetic Team Are Responsible For Bubba’s Lip

Each character in Forrest Gump has at least one distinctive feature. Forrest of course has many, but is his accent which most people remember him for. For Bubba (Mykelti Williamson), this feature is his jutting lip.

The lip was actually a prosthetic which was fitted prior to each scene to make it look as realistic as possible. The deception was obviously successful as after the movie was released in theatres, people were confused when they saw Williamson without the lips he has in the movie.

Mykelti Williamson’s Performance Was Too Convincing

Everyone in Forrest Gump gave a terrific performance but one actor gave a performance that was so convincing, he struggled to find other roles following the movie.

Mykelti Williamson played Bubba with such conviction that casting directors assumed he was acting out his natural persona. This meant that he had difficulty finding other roles as people presumed he was a type cast.

After his appearance on “The Late Show With David Letterman”, however, people realized that Williamson is actually just a really, really good actor.

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