
This is unbelievable! The first helicopter flight over the surface of Mars!

The rest of the photographs, already in color, received from the ground vehicle will be received later. The helicopter also has more powerful and color-transmitting cameras located horizontally. There have been no comments yet on when they will be used.

The very idea of  launching an aircraft on another planet caused an incredible stir at NASA, where previously nonexistent tasks were set before the engineers.

The very idea and implementation of the first Martian helicopter was an incredible success for NASA, as the engineers faced many previously unknown technical challenges. According to Bob Balaramom, such an opportunity appeared only with the advent of new high-performance processors and powerful batteries.

Increased rotational speed of the propellers, reduced beating of the blades, large allowable for operation, resistance to radiation and autonomy are the factors that distinguish the Martian apparatus from the Earth ones and allows it to fly on another planet.

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