
3 Sleeping Positions and What They Say About Your Personality

Because the study had some important limitations, it’s wise to take these findings with a grain of salt.

It only looked at the outcomes of roughly 1,000 people, which is a small sample size compared to the total population.
When a second group of volunteers completed the same survey, the results were different, indicating that the findings may not apply to everyone.
People self-reported their sleeping positions and personality attributes, allowing for increased potential bias.

The Better Sleep Council (BSC) performed a poll on sleep position among Americans, which revealed a few more facts. Here’s a basic rundown:

-Those who sleep in the log position (on one side with both arms down) say they obtain enough sleep and are “healthier” than those who sleep in other configurations.
-Those with a master degree or above are more likely than those with less education to favor the fetal position.
-Generation X and millennials are more likely than baby boomers to choose stomach sleeping. On the other hand, baby boomers are more prone to sleep on one side with their arms spread.
-People who are more outgoing are less likely to sleep on their stomachs with their arms outstretched.

Again, polls aren’t the same as controlled trials or other scientific studies, and other sleep specialists aren’t certain that sleep and personality are linked.

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