7 Benefits of Baking Soda for Hair, Skin, and Body

Baking soda is a critical element in a lot of baked goods because it causes food to rise. Without it, all cakes and cookies would be flat bricks. You don’t need very much baking soda in any given recipe, but the box it comes in is relatively large. Wouldn’t it be nice to have another use for the product?
Well, there are actually a ton of things you can do with baking soda that don’t involve baking. It’s a pretty handy natural cleanser, for one thing. But even more exciting are 7 great things baking soda can do for your hair, skin, and body. Dollar for dollar and use for use, it is probably the most affordable and versatile health & beauty product around.
We feel confident in saying that these 7 uses qualify as actual life hacks. If you’ve ever been in desperate need of #4, you’ll know what we’re talking about.