
6 methods for better sleep for those who have a baby

How can you get more sleep with your newborn? Here are some tips:

1. You need to include relaxation exercises in your daily routine, since the actions that you do during the day have an even greater effect than those that are done before bed. The expert argues that parents should spend time every day for their own interests in order to stay in a good mood. It can be anything like walking in the park, watching a TV series, or calling your friends. By incorporating these activities into your daily to-do list, you can be able to control stress, which increases the quality of your sleep.

2. Avoid contact with the screen before bed. Experts say that using phones, televisions, and computers before bed can disrupt your sleep due to the light emitted from the screens of these devices. This is a blue-green light that sends information to your brain that it is daytime outside, and we will begin to produce the hormone cortisol, which greatly interferes with sleep. The best time to put your phone aside is 30-60 minutes before you go to bed.

3. Add relaxing exercises before bed, like taking a bath, into your daily regime. Many people find it scary to add something new to their day, since there is not much time left with a small child, but even an extra few minutes are of great importance. As a sleep expert says, “It’s extremely beneficial for new moms to have their own relaxing daily routine so that they can get a good rest after a hard day of grooming their child. A bath can be a great way to relax before bed, which is great for soothing muscles and mind a bath lowers your body temperature, which helps you fall asleep faster”.

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