
3 Sleeping Positions and What They Say About Your Personality


You probably don’t give much thought to what your preferred sleeping position entails, aside from a desire for maximum comfort while you sleep. However, some sleep psychologists and specialists believe that personality can influence sleep position and provide insight into your characteristics and actions.

Chris Idzikowski, a professor and sleep researcher, investigated over 1,000 British adults to see if there were any links between sleep position and personality. He drew linkages between frequent sleep postures and personality traits based on the findings. Here are a handful of his discoveries:

– The fetal position is the most popular, especially among women. Shyness and sensitivity are associated with this position.
– People who sleep on one side with their arms outstretched are likely to be friendly yet wary. They also have a strong tendency to stick to their decisions.
– A social personality and a dislike of criticism are associated to stomach sleeping with hands up or under the pillow.

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