
Trump’s family’s new chief adviser is not a secret for attentive followers

One of Trumps speaks with the mass

Unlike the position in which Trump Senior was a few years ago, there are no constant changes in strategists and advisers, no demands from the executive branch. This allows him to rely more on old allies like Mark Meadows, Kellianne Conway and Donald Jr.

Another person closely associated with Trump Jr. shares information that Donald can make up to 15 calls a day to find out the opinion of people and their approval of a particular decision. Many of his steps are dictated from above. If Trump refuses to give up a fresh start in 2024, they will likely drop their hat in the ring.

On the other hand the growth of Trump Jr.’s authority has also affected the disappearance of Kushner from all political radars. The previously described actions of bringing father and son closer were also reinforced by the purchase of real estate in Florida, 35 minutes from the father’s resort. Kushner at the same time stayed away. The politics do not seem to be a source of attention for him. Some people say that he is writing a book about his work for the president.

On the other hand, there is an opinion that Trump harbored a grudge against Kushner, accusing him of his defeat in 2020, since he was the de facto leader of his election campaign. Many doubt that the former president could have turned to him for advice lately.

Despite once roughly equal closeness The US president, both Kushnir and Donald Jr. have occupied quite different roles. While Kushnir a presidential adviser, Trump Junior dedicated a lot of time traveling around America and working in favor of his party in the regions, in many ways copying and imitating his father’s famous warlike style of narration.

Assumptions by some people aides that with Trump’s possible presidential election in 2024, his son is a possible heir to his father’s position, others still note significant differences in the approach to politics between this duo.

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