
Is it ok to train while being barefoot?

Why walk barefoot at all? This is useful!

Dr. Paul Langer claims that this practice makes your joints and muscles work harder and your feet open up more naturally. It straightens the fingers, increases joint mobility

It was a surprise to many researchers that leg strength can only be increased by choosing the right minimum footwear, without special exercises.

Comfortable, cushioned shoes make us walk in a different way. We go further, thus affecting absorption of shocks in different areas of our feet.

While Lagner is unfamiliar with studies showing the long-term perspective of changes in proprioception due to shoes, it is quite clear to him that the amount of information your brain get from your walking depends on how little fabric is between you and the ground.  In simple terms, walking barefoot gets more signals to your brain and with time allows you to increase your abilities.

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