
Coronavirus: how Taiwan was able to overcome the worldwide infection without any restrictive measures

What, then, might such findings mean for other countries?

This article recognizes that all models are hypothetical and confirms that the entire list of applied health measures that are used around the world was urgently necessary.

The authors of the publication also offered that the quarantine of residents and their testing took place at one time period. This was done in Taiwan itself, but the rest of the countries did not at all. They had delays between analysis, their results and subsequent isolation, which lowered the level of efficiency of the measures taken for each occasion. The authors admit that such research results cannot be applied to other countries, since Taiwan is a state that is able to watch the development of events itself with the help of border control. That is why the researchers concentrated on the efficiency in specific cases and transmission between people, and not on the control over the registration of the coronavirus.

Researchers have also found that contact tracing becomes nearly impossible when healthcare systems are overwhelmed with cases. This has never happened in Taiwan during the pandemic, but similar found a place in other countries, such as Ireland, where in January 2021 there was a disastrous third wave of infection.

Also, comparing the results of the quarantine duration of 7 and 14 days, it turned out that this quarantine can be reduced. Several countries began to consider such a proposal, but it still has not taken root anywhere.

As a result, we learned that Taiwan has proven to be an extremely successful state in the fight against infection and everyone has something to learn from it.

Now that vaccines are being introduced, we have more results on the contribution of public health measures.

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