
Celebrity Weight Loss: Want To Know Their Secrets?

Kelly Clarkson – 37 Pounds – Healthy Diet

Kelly Clarkson’s weight loss may have been a medically driven decision, but the singer’s message of body positivity is something we can all take inspiration from. Another shocking fact about her weight loss is she did it with absolute absence of any work outs! So how did she manage to lose that much weight? She eradicated so many things from her diet, including starchy foods, refined sugars and many others. In one of her tweets, she confessed to still eating what she usually eats, only substituting the bad ingredients with healthier options. All in all, her journey to weight loss was largely influenced by The Plant Paradox, a book by Steven R. Gundry in which she learned a lot about nutrition. So want to lose weight? Simply go ahead and read a book!

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