
Americans Say These Are The Rudest States

12. Delaware

Rudeness score: 52.24

Rudest cities: N/A

The First State isn’t the friendliest in the U.S., although it seems to be relatively kind to its customer service representatives.

Drivers fail to stop at red lights almost 60% more frequently compared to the rest of the country. This may partially explain why auto insurance rates in Delaware are 57% higher than the rest of the country as well.

Delawarean electrikskies1 writes on Reddit, “There are too many people crammed into Northern Delaware. Driving in this state is really annoying and aggravating also. I almost get killed at least 3 times a day or more while driving because a lot of people ride your butt, cut you off, don’t use turn signals, pull out in front of you, don’t know how to use a four-way stop, etc. … I don’t know how some people got through driver’s ed.”

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