
6 Things Men Secretly Want From A Woman, But Rarely Are They Asked

Men want you to accept their help

Boys have to do with action, and what better way to show their love than to help you with something? Yes, we girls are independent and capable of doing things ourselves, and yes, men really like and respect that. However, when he is offering to carry your luggage, he is simply saying that he wants to do something nice for you, to make your life a little easier. Even if those bags aren’t that heavy, drop them! They will both be happy.

Men want to be appreciated

It’s such a simple thing, but we often forget that the relationship is a game for two and we ladies are not the ones who do all the heavy lifting (although, sometimes, it might seem that way). Appreciate your man! When he does something special for you, give him credit and thank him. It’s the little details that matter and it’s good if you notice them.

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