US Covid hospitalisations rise above 100,000 for first time since January
Unvaccinated people are also almost five times as likely to become infected as those who get the shots, the study found, basing its conclusions on data from Los Angeles county in California. Hospitalisations are particularly high in Texas and Florida. This week the death rate in Florida was higher than it has ever been throughout the pandemic. According to the New York Times database the state is suffering a seven-day average of 228 new reported deaths, which is substantially worse than its two previous peaks in August 2020 and January this year.
The rising death rate brings Florida’s total death toll to 42,731. The state reported 26,203 new Covid cases to the CDC on Wednesday, the Miami Herald reported. The full wrath of the surge in cases is being felt in a relatively small number of states in the south, where vaccination rates are relatively low compared with other parts of the country. Alabama has run out of ICU beds as its hospital capacity failed to meet the rise in seriously ill Covid patients.