
Places Will Disappear Forever: Hurry Up to Visit


Fantastic, romantic, unforgettable – all these words still don’t seem too strong to describe one of the most special cities on the globe. Venice is unlike anything else you have been before – but it is not supposed to be like that forever. Because it is scientifically established that by the end of the 21st century there will be no such place as Venice on our planet.

The following facts speak for themselves: at the beginning of the 20th century, the central part of Venice around St Mark’s square suffered from floods about 10 times a year. Today, this figure is coming to 100. During the short period of time Venice has sunk by about 20cm, and will keep it that way until the city is submerged completely. If the researchers and local authorities don’t address the matter urgently, you will have fewer and fewer chances to see Venice in the near future.

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