
How does partner pressure and use of force affect children’s health?

According to the latest questionnaires of children aged ten years, we studied their group with individual lessons aimed at determining cognitive and language development. We also asked their mothers to assess the mental health of their children.

How can law enforcement services and schools help in such a difficult issue?

Conclusions made during the study are of great importance. Most of all children with any speech or health problems were beaten by a partner before the age of ten.

The terrifying findings point to the need for services and schools to monitor the mental and physical health of abused children. But if they do not recognize and respond to the bad consequences of this attitude towards children, the support for such children will be less effective and tangible.

Despite the fact that almost every third family suffers from partner violence, as a result of which children have serious problems, services and schools should not turn a blind eye to this and put it in the furthest basket.

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